Delivering Digital Financial Advice – scaling Financial Advice for the Mass Market

(incorporating AI in Financial Advice)

A one-day conference to help advice firms understand how AI technologies and other leading advicetech solutions can deliver enhancements to their businesses.

Wednesday 2 July 2025, London SE1

We’ll be hosting our next summer technology conference on Wednesday 2 July 2025.  Delivering Digital Financial Advice – scaling Financial Advice for the Mass Market (incorporating AI in Financial Advice) will deliver a full-day conference programme to help advice firms understand how AI technologies and other leading advicetech solutions can deliver enhancements to their businesses, whilst also hearing from advisers who have successfully implemented propositions in their own firms.

The event will consist of:

Conference keynote address

Three plenary sessions:

  • Advice & Guidance – How can firms mix, match and differentially price the new regimes
  • New ways to approach Financial Advice – This session will explore how these wider needs may be delivered and the opportunity to reach customers through non-traditional channels
  • AI today and tomorrow – Where is AI already delivering real benefits for advice firms and which are the key areas where we can expect to see progress in the second half of 2025 and H1 2026

12 “Battle of the Tech” fast-paced, 8-minute software demos

Four “Customer Experience Showcase” demos

Six 10-minute “Implementation Showcases” where advisers will explain how they have successfully partnered with a technology provider, the difference the implementation has made to their business and any lessons they learned along the way

An exhibition area where delegates can meet with a host of software vendors

Delivering Digital Financial Advice – Agenda


Testimonials for last summer’s event (AIFA24)

Watch this year’s amazing keynote and plenary sessions from AIFA2024

Book for our EATT Conference in January 2025

AIFA2024 Highlights Video