EATT 2023 Disturbance Demo – DANIEL by InterGen Data
Financial planning is a long and arduous process that typically makes the client feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, or that they are being interrogated.
Currently, there are only two ways to generate a plan: Ask the Client to fill it out by themselves, or You fill it out with them. In either case, Advisors and Clients don’t account for everything as “Nobody Plans for Bad Things to Happen!”
However, what if there was a way to use technology to pre-fill 40% to 70% of the required data, within seconds, and plan for the unexpected?
In their own words:
“At the heart of every advisor/client relationship is a belief that the value of any advice providers lies in their ability to help plan for a better future. However, all of today’s financial planning tools are based on point-in-time questions that only consider goals and objectives but do not take into account unplanned events such as critical illnesses. In turn, this means that their plans are based on perfection and that their chances of success are greatly reduced.
- What if … there was a way to use technology to speed up the time that it takes fill in your questionnaires while accounting for unplanned Life Events?
- More importantly, what if there was a way to do this in seconds?”

Our Analysis
Company Info
HQ: Plano, Texas
Founded: 2017
Product Displayed: Data Enrichment at Scale with DANIEL
Presenter: Robert J Kirk, Founder & CEO