What is EATT?
EATT 2025 Battle of the Tech Demo – HUB Financial Solutions
- Personal Recommendations – Provides tailored retirement income strategies based on individual savings.
- Improved Navigation – New landing page with enhanced options for easier access.
- Planning Capability – Enables customers of any age to create bespoke retirement plans.
- Activity Cards – Helps prioritise needs and wants, set timelines, and allocate budgets.
- Savings Integration – Analyses pensions, ISAs, and cash to determine tax-efficient withdrawal strategies.
- Outcome Visualization – Clearly presents how savings cover priorities, highlighting any shortfalls.
- Cash Flow Management – Helps users understand income flow and explore options like part-time work.
In their own words:
Destination Retirement brings hybrid digital advice and services to Mid Net Worth customers.
Retirement Planner helps visualise retirement and whether savings are on track to deliver it.
Available to referred customers as part of an advice firms off-boarding strategy.
Company Info
Founded: 2004
Product Displayed: HUB Financial Solutions
Presenter: Dom Holmes